JCSDA JEDI UFO Code Sprint - August 10-30, 2019 - UCAR Campus - Boulder, CO

Article by Anna Shlyaeva, JCSDA JEDI Core Team

From August 19 to August 30, JEDI affiliates and core team members were busy working on a UFO code sprint here at the UCAR campus in Boulder, CO.

UFO code sprint participants, consisting of members of both the observations and JEDI core teams, work on coding problems at UCAR’s CG1 building.

UFO code sprint participants, consisting of members of both the observations and JEDI core teams, work on coding problems at UCAR’s CG1 building.

During the sprint, team members worked to improve existing observation operators, added some new observation operators to UFO, added new capabilities to generic filters used in JEDI code quality control, and implemented new filters in UFO.

A more detailed summary of the work done during the sprint is as follows:
- observation operator for vertical interpolation was extended to do interpolation in a specified vertical variable (pressure, height, etc);
- radar observation operators were added to UFO;
- filters that are used for quality control were generalized to:
- use results of function computations,- allow different “actions” in filters: reject or inflate observation errors,
-allow the use of diagnostics coming from the observation operators;
- several observation-type specific filters were added for GNSSRO and satellite radiance data;
- filter for thinning observations to a gaussian-like grid was added.

UFO sprinters joining coffee time in the JCSDA briefing room in FL4.

UFO sprinters joining coffee time in the JCSDA briefing room in FL4.