JCSDA Announces the First Public Release of Marine Data Assimilation

The JCSDA is excited to announce the first public release of JEDI-SOCA to the community.

This first release of the JEDI-based Sea-ice Ocean and Coupled Assimilation (SOCA) provides everything that is needed for ensemble and variational data assimilation applications for the Modular Ocean Model version 6 (MOM6). The release also includes a complete set of marine observing operators. It is currently used to initialize the ocean, sea ice and wave component of the Unified Forecast System at NOAA/EMC and the ocean and sea ice component of the Goddard Earth Observing System at NASA/GMAO.

JEDI-SOCA was developed by the JCSDA with contributions from NOAA/EMC, NOAA/PSL and NASA/GMAO.

Links to the code, release notes, and tutorials can be found on the JEDI-SOCA release page.