JCSDA Announces the Third Public Release of SKYLAB

The JCSDA is pleased to announce the release of SkyLab 3.0!

JCSDA SkyLab 3.0 is the third roll-up release that provides integrated Earth System Data Assimilation capability, via a unified end-to-end system that includes a single code build, workflow, data store, and diagnostics dashboard https://skylab.jcsda.org. Advanced capabilities are demonstrated for multiple components of the Earth System: atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice, soil moisture, snow, and composition.

The main Skylab upgrades for release 3.0 include:
Atmosphere-land experiment: Non-cycling 25 member 3D-Var EDA with static B and deterministic 3D-Var with hybrid B. More observation types (Ship, Buoy, Commercial GNSS-RO).
Composition experiment: Aerosol data assimilation (AOD) 3DVar EDA with 21 members. VIIRS assimilated, MODIS monitored.   

Support extended on the following systems: AWS AMI, NASA Discover, NOAA Orion, University of Wisconsin S4, NCAR Cheyenne.  

SkyLab has been developed by the JCSDA with contributions from its Partner Agencies in NOAA, NASA, the US Air Force, and the US Navy.

To read more about the release, links to the code, release notes and tutorials, visit www.jcsda.org/jediskylab