JCSDA's Cheng Dang Accompanies UCP Directors on Visit to Utah Universities

Earlier this month JCSDA’s Cheng Dang joined Bill Kuo, UCP Director, and Mohan Ramamurthy, Director of EODS Center and Unidata, on a four day visit to Utah State University and the University of Utah. Along with presentations and seminars about JCSDA for the students, they met with faculty using JEDI and data assimilation in their own research. This was Cheng’s first such trip, and she wasn’t sure what to expect, but the Utah schools did not disappoint! 

The first part of the visit was spent at Utah State University, in Logan. Utah State offers  many interdisciplinary projects and programs. Hosted by the Department of Plant, Soil and Climate, the UCP team also visited the Climate Adaptation Science program, the Utah Water Research Laboratory, the Department of Watershed Science, and the Utah Climate Center. Cheng gave a presentation introducing JCSDA to the department, and discussed JEDI use in research with the faculty. Many of the Utah State faculty were already doing work in data assimilation, mostly focused on land and hydrology data assimilation; they were very enthusiastic about future JEDI applications in those areas. 

For the second part of the trip Cheng, Bill and Mohan headed to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Their faculty host there was Dr. Zhaoxia Pu, who has done extensive work in data assimilation, including with JEDI. Several of the students and researchers in the department were working on data assimilation as well, particularly coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation, and were very excited to hear about the new features available with JEDI and opportunities at JCSDA. At University of Utah Cheng gave a seminar on the progress of aerosol simulation by the CRTM team; colleges were interested in adopting CRTM for their research on clouds and aerosols DA as well.

“It was great to build connections, and the increasing adoption of JEDI and interest in CRTM among researchers and students underscores JCSDA's dedication to enhancing operational and scientific data assimilation, highlighting a strong collaborative spirit between university members, partner agencies, and JCSDA” Cheng said after the trip. The interest of students and colleagues in data assimilation careers and in JEDI was very exciting to see, with Cheng serving as a great ambassador for JCSDA!